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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  April 16, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. tonight a fox weather alert now. new video as violent storms ravage the south and making their way up in the east coast. i am harris falker. all eyes on the karl two people are dead in the vicious storm system moving in north carolina . i am reading from the associated press wires that came in and the last few seconds before we went to air. south carolina fire officials said a twister has just
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touched down and collapsed a church with 6 people inside. it is near the town of vano. this is freshuv of the associated press wires. there are band new warning in effect for the carolina and moving up the east coast. meteorologist mariah molina has more. >> we are tracking the storm system. there are more than 65 tornados coming in and just to put it in perspective. yesterday we had 17 fatalits for severe weather and 98 report was tornados. today more than 65 and that number is growing and we are continuing to track the super cells in north carolina. we have tornado warnings. we have one in southeastern pennsylvania and effect until 11:00 p.m. eastern time .
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a second tornado watch until 9:00 east other than time and particularly dangerous situation and tornado watch in southeastern virginia and north carolina and south carolina also in effect until 9:30 eastern time. this is a dangerousuation where we have a potential to see more dangerous tornados and long tornados tracking in very long distances and also violent tornados strains that could be ef4 or 5. that is very dangerous stuff. can you see the east ward tracking cells. another warning in eastern north carolina. so when a warning is issued for your area seek shelter immediately and you can see the devastation that occurred in north carolina. we have images out of wake county where mobile homes were leveled. there is another reports and green county, north carolina,
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a restaurant leveled and halifax north carolina ruptured gas line . cars overturned and like you mentioned in south carolina, they had six injuries in a church . other reports of trees down and wake county north carolina mobile homes are destroyed. when a warning is issued for your area seek shelter immediately and unfortunately mobile homes get completely destroyed. if you don't have basement or inner most hallway. grab pillows and crap them around yourself so if you live in a mobile home and debris comes in your home you will have padding around you. tornado warning in greenville, north carolina and jacksonville seek shelter immediately. those are areas in yellow in
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parts of southern parts of north carolina. that's when we see large gold ball size hail or greater that damages cars and also wind gusts in excess of 60 or cent miles per hour. that can cause damage. can you see a wide spread area that we are tracking to see the tornados develop out of thunderstorms . the other major concern that thunderstorms are training over the same area. you will see a lot of rain and potential of flooding and that will be a concern as you head further north out of the severe thunderstorm area that we are tracking in the northeast. there is potential for flooding that is equally as dangerous, harris. >> people can watch and lin before the storm system hit them and heed all of the warnings you are saying. we'll check back with the updates. >> all eyes on the carolina, one in south carolina as we
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got word of a church that got hit in the city bono . then earlier where we first started to get reports was people killed on this saturday, that coming out of north carolina and areas where maria mentioned lee county and lake county upon county. it is south of raleigh can joining us is the command center and person leading that right now. mike stone is a north carolina state representative for that county. mr. stone, are you with us? >> yes, i am. tell me what this day has been like for your county and what you are dealing with at this hour. >> it is a very tough evening as you can imagine. we are fortunate with the aid we have had from the surrounding counties. we have two fatalits at this time . we are doing a state of
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emergency with the governor's officer and setting up sleeping quarters in a local school and getting in crews to provide food. we have a lot ahead of us as the night goes along. >> i am to talk about the pictures. we see an overturned lowes vehicle in what was a low's shopping retail center. san ford, north carolina. what do you know about what we are looking about. you may know what happened in the area. >> i did. i department see any fatalits in the location, but there was a lot of destruction . tremendous amount of destruction. cars turned over and light poles and buildings tore up. it is devastating to our community. >> what kind of warning did people get? >> i have lived here 41 years
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and never experienced anything to tothis magnitude. as you can imagine when we are out assessing it, it is difficult for me to look at. it is a hardship on our citizens beyond what i could imagine. my prayers are with them and their family as we move forward and put lee county back together. >> before i let you go, mr. stone. night is falling now. there are shelters set up for people? what is the dire need at this hour? >> the most important thing we have seniors on oxygen and make sure we have oxygen ands and also looking for anyone, there is several houses that are gone off of their fownation. we are trying to make sure to give them the best comfort we can and provide them with love and assurance that we will put our community back together. >> you feel like people are
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accounted for? is there any reports of people not accounted for? >> not at that time. we are still assessing the situation. we have mutual aid from the surrounding counties and my heart goes out for our surrounding community and we are proud to be here and have those guys helping us one on one. >> lee county state representative mike stone in an area not far from raleigh. we appreciate your information as we take in the devastating images. >> we'll show you video that was taken earlier and they are in parts of the south. these pieces of video hit hard . now with the new death toll out of north carolina that mr. stone was talking about. 19 people confirmed dead between yesterday and today in these storms. survivors are dealing with >> i thought i was going to die. >> everybody had to run. >> i told everyone to run.
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just run. >> houses flattened and walls ripped to shreds and furniture and cars and trucks thrown upside down and the disaster hitting four states now. soling tiles came out of the ceiling. >> it was like a war wrone. >> you don't expect it to hit where you live. >> and one of the twisters did all of the damage that you can see here . as it was caught on tape. can you see it ripped along a highway causing transformers to blow. the south is a target tonight. we'll continue to monitor thuation and breng you updates and warnings as needed. >> rescue operation underway in idaho. a collapse in a silver mine. this is what we know. it happened in lucky friday
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mine in the northern part of the state. a spokesperson said one person is trapped and part of the mine is blocked. >> two people were working when part of it gave away . leaving one person missing and the other one is safe. we don't have details on what they are do ting to rescue the rescue. also on the fox report. fresh clues in the case of a missing nursing student. first, the story was a man wearing camoflage dragged her away. how holly bobo, was actually taken from her home. and it happened again. another air traffic controller caught sleeping on the job in a busy airport. developing at this hour, what the government is doing to deal with the danger of fatigue in the tower.
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first, house peeker john boehner taking advantage of the budget debate. boehner is meeting with the prime minister al-maliki. the prime minister and he, told the speaker earlier iraqi security forces are able to take full responsibility for their own security. currently there are 50,000 soldiers stationed in iraq. all of them available by this year. this is his first trip to iraq since becoming speaker of the house. >> tea partiers rallying the monday - before the monday taxes are due. >> sarah palin. >> hello, madison, wisconsin. palin addressed thousands of people gathered outside in the state capitol madison. you recall that this was the home of protest against the
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budget plan to drim collective bargaining rights. today supporters took over with a shout out to end wasteful spending . while they rallied counter protest not far from there. sarah palin, they said was a pupple for big corporation. >> molly henningburg has more on this. >>reporter: harris, donald trump another potential gop candidate spoke to a tea party rally in boka raton. the country needs a good negotiator with bell deals and the u.s. will have money to invest. trump said he is a successful businessman who has shown he has the skills. this is what he said if he decided to run and win. >> i will not be raising taxes. but will be taking in billions
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of dollars from other countris and will be creating vast numbers was productive jobs. productive, productive. and will rebuild our country. >> and that tea party rally, sarah palin criticized president obama for his federal spending including 787 billion stimulus plan which she suggested helped to galvanize the tea party two years ago. >> he's the inspiration for why we are here today. >> yeah, that is right. the tea party movement wouldn't exist without barack obama. >> there are rallies including key primary states such as iowa and new hampshire. molly, good to see you, thank you. >> four decades have passed and the mystery is unsolved. the family of a murdered teenager have never given up
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hope for justice and now police have a break in the case, take a look. hey susie, why don't you use this ? it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules.
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pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more wi your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you. took some crazy risks as a kid. but i was still over the edge with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. 80% of people who have had heart attacks have high cholesterol. lipitor is a cholesterol lowering medication, fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke
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>> the faa reshoveling air traffic controller work schedules. the changes are going to effect in 72 hours. word comes after yet another incident of a controller dozing off at work happening early this morning in miami. it is the fifth napping episode to be reported since late march. improving air traffic safety will be the top of the list of tropics when ray lahood sits down with chris wallas. don't miss it. and in tennessee, the search for holly bobo, investigators discovering new clues. bobo, a 20 year old nursing student vanished. her brother saw her taken away
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by a mysterous man wearing camoplage. >> holly bobo's brother last person to see her and only eyewitness saw a man dressed in camo who led holly in the woods was her boyfriend. he became suspicious when he discovered blood outside of the home. he called 911. the 20 year old nursing student appeared to be in fear of her life ando hoping combining law enforcement will lead them to her. >> we'll look at all of the leads and at that time, we'll evaluate what to do, but right next, the rest of this week tomorrow starts a new one will be going next week doing the same thing, combing the area. >> police describe the man 5-10 and 6 feet tall and
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wearing 180 to 200 pounds and confident neither her boyfriend or brother are suspects. she was preparing to go to class. searchers discovered a white lunch box near her house. her parents pleaded for help and pointed to their own theory on who may have abducted their daughter. >> it might have been member close and kind of knew our routine of when i left and my daughter left to go to school. what i have in my mind, and i don't know that for sure. >> investigators insist it is a rescue mission and not a recovery mission and may have offered a 25,000 reward to anyone who can help find her. >> julie bandaras, thank you very much. >> anti-government rebels advancing to a oil port.
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they have proof that qaddafi is using a devastating new weapon against the civilians. in the top story the huge story pummeling the southeast. where is the storm headed next? stay with us. phillips' caplet use gnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally wityour colon than stimulant xatives, for fective reli of constipation without cramps. thanks. [ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna... there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats.
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>> the taliban claiming responsibility for a homicide attack in east other than afghanistan. killing 10 people. the bomb are wearing an afghan army uniform went to the operating base there and the taliban said the bomb are was a sleeper agent who volunteered in the afghan army a month ago. nato not releasing more information about the nato
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soldiers killed until they have notified their family. libya's rebel forces advancing on the oil port city of brega. thanks to four days of nato air strike. the town changed hands half a doze know time. david lee miller streaming from tripoli. >> david lee? >> harris, we heard loud explosions on the outside of tripoli and could hear nato aircraft in the sky and heard round after round of antiaircraft fire. we don't know what the targets were . libya officials don't disclose what is targeted and perhaps later nato will reveal what the targets were. there was a new's conference in trep - tripoli. libya is not, is not using
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cluster bombs. liba is a signaturor to an treaty agreeing not on use cluster bomb if they are being used it was the rebels who were responsible. meanwhile, 120 miles east of the capitol in the city of misrata, there is fierce fighting. three civilians were killed. three of their own fighters were kill dozens were wounded and qaddafi's forces fired more than 100 rockets into the city of misrata and the rebels are claiming that qaddafi loyalist are targeting misrata's ability to produce food. >> food production facilities are being targeted and one of the structures was a dairy plant. there is a foot shortage in misrata as humanitarian
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efforts try to take civilians to another locations. now as for the city of brega that you mentioned, there is serious fighting in and around the city of brega. there are reports that the rebels are on the outskirts. seven rebels died today. we are told that 16 others were wounded and the rebels say that qaddafi's forces are in the city and if they are going to claim it it looks like the death tollharris will dramatically increase. david lee miller thank you for the update from there. >> it is a tough spring time weekend for people in the east. new warnings are in effect. remember off of the top of the hour, i mentioned that there was a church hit by a possible twister in south carolina. we are learning that the st. steven fire department telling
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fox news six people were in the refuge temple when the roof collapsed due to tornadic winds. but no one was reportedly injured. that's what they are telling fox at this point. we'll look at the damage already done from this system. >> and academy award winner nicholas cage busted. what police are saying he did. what was he doing that landed him in gulfs. nice picture. we know why we're here.
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>> a fox weather alert. bringing you the latest from the situation in south carolina. police in bono said none of the six people in the temple was injured. the damage part of violent storms and fast-moving ones hitting the carolinas. i am harris falker and this is the fox report. it is time for the top of the news . we are experiencing the nation's deadliest storm system of the season so far . the latest deaths bringing total number of those killed to 19 in the last couple of days alone . take a look at the damage. houses torn to piece thrown in trees or buried under fallen branches. in texas, a different story.
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wildfires and finally people allowed to turn to their homes and ranches. the forescorched hundreds of thousands of acres and they are dealing with a drought and some people fear they will see the fires for two or more months to come. maria molina in the storm system. >> two extremes. flooding concerns in the northeast and thunderstorms could produce flash flooding and drought condition. we are still seeing the super sells not kitting in eastern parts of north carolina . the good news is, behind the storps once they move in your area you will see quieter weather in the long-time areas. you will have quiet weather conditions out there. that is tracking east ward and it will be impacting the cape.
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this tornado watch has a dangerous situation including southeastern virginia and north carolina and south carolina in effect until 9:00 east other than time. you can see the long track tornados but without the sunlight, we'll see the instability start to weaken as the thunderstorms start to weaken since they don't have one of the ingredients that they need which is the daytime heating. we have a second line of storms pushing west of the dc baltimore area. you can see it moving in the frederick area. tornado warning is issued and that storm is moving east ward. we have a tornado on the ground. stay alert. it is likely it will stay to your north but it is a close call . heading southward, more tornado warnings in eastern parts of north carolina and moving east of greenville. we have reports of damage from
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the thunderstorms and this is damaging trait line winds and large size hail . then we mentioned flooding. a lot of rain and thunderstorms and they're impacting the northeast. right now flash flood warnings and in the state of pennsylvania where they sat there and will slowly track east ward. we are talking flooding out here and two-three inches of rain out here . the storm heads east ward and we mention the drought conditions. there are red flag warnings in texas and new mexicoco. windy and warm and drought conditions and we are still not looking at rain in the forecast. expect the fire danger to continue in the next several days . they are in effect until monday. we have incredible images of the area. you can see them from satellite out in space. here you can see in west texas
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the lines of smoke coming out of those fires northeast part of the image is a massive storm system. harris. >> just quickly. is this a typical season or is this more or less. >> right now, as we wrap up april and head to may, this is normal for severe weather. >> okay, thank you very much maria molina. we'll check back. our chief meteorologist rick richlow is in mississippi . he fired the report leaksville. >> it was obliterated by a tornado. a strong tornado moved through and hitting the downtown and destroying five or six important business. they are not able to get
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assistance from the insurance agency. structures off of main street. you can see the damage. homes destroyed and businesses destroyed and everything that people own is strawn about the area. it appeared to me it was a half mile wide. but the national weather service people are out here and give the size of the tornado. we know that yesterday, 100 tornados struck areas of the south and we had one fatalits. a woman carried in her trail are a hundred yard and didn't survive. they are dealing with hurricane katrina a number of years ago and they had to clean that up and now a significant mess . people appear to be banding together but have a long way to go. >> thank you, rick for that
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report. >> if you are in the vicinity of where the storms hit in the past 24 hours or so. send us the photos or video. you report at fox news.comand never ever put yourself in harm's way to gather those pictures. only if it is safe. thanks. >> other headlines, house speaker john boehner making a surprise trip to iraq. he is meeting with the prime minister. he told boehner iraqi security forces are able to take full responsibility for their own security . faa changing work schedules . the move following another incident and another incident in which a control are fell asleep on duty in miami. fifth one to be disclosed by the faa since late march. >> a war of words in washington over the budget. president obama promoting his spending plan claiming that
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republicans are trying to push through cuts, that are worthy, but the president said the vision is wrong for america . >> i don't think it is right to ask seniors to pay more for health care or students postpone college just because we don't ask those who prospered so much to give back more. >> promising a balanced approach and calls for a sacrifice from everyone. or tom coburn said the president obama's critech is campaign style political attack. >> as leaders we have a moral abligation to tell the truth. we can face a debt crisis sooner than we expect. we face unsustainable debt and medicare and medicaid and social security. >> but senator coburn and president obama saying each party will need each other to
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work together to pass something in the future. >> after 41 years, massachusetts police say there is a break finally in the case of a teen who was murdered. a confession lead them to arrest three men in the killing of john mccade. they were also teenagers back in '69. mccade was 16 years old and his body was in a vacant lot. the boy's parents never giving up on finding answering after all of these years. >> i kept calling. i probably made, i am guessing a thousand calls . >> i prayed every single night and i wear my metals every day and i ask god. i think it had to be solved. >> police say the suspects actually knew details that
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only the killers would know and told police that mccade flirted with the girlfriend of another teenager and that person wanted to teach the boy a lesson. >> it is called a pump and run. >> thieves speeding off from gas stations without paying. see where it could have cost one gas attendant his life. all caught on tape . one struggling real estate market seeing a sales surge from north of the border. what is behind the land grab. no one saw this coming. it's positive. positive? we're gonna have a baby. ♪ ♪ now, when i was a litt boy
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♪ at the age of 5 ♪ i had somethin' in my pocket [ male announcer ] the four-door sports car. we're gonna have a baby. [ male announcer ] nissan maxima -- innovation for daddy... we're gonna have a baby! [ male announcer ] ...innovation for all. right? get out. i know! who knew? i mean. exactly! reall that's what i mean. [ mom ] wha shut the front door. right? seriously. who knew? hello sir. bingo! mahjong! for realz. woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey, there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. [ male announcer ] hey, there's oreo creme under that fudge! ♪ when it's planes in the sky ♪ ♪ for a chain of supply, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when the parts for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪
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an accident doesn't have to slow you down. introducing better car replacement, available only with liberty mutual auto insurance. if your car's totaled, we give you the money for a car one model year newer. to learn more, visit us today. responsibility. what's your policy? >> guess who is buying up houses in phoenix, arizona? canadians lured by a strong
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canadian there and a slumping housing market in the u.s.. they are finding basement bargains and paying in cash. casey is live in phoenix. >> harris, good evening, one month's time canadians spent 88 million on residential in the phoenix area here alone. as you imagine it is a financial boost for a struggling. when the real estate market crashed in this country. southwest was hit hard. according to realty track.comphoenix arizona has the second highest foreclosure rate in america. >> this is your typical two bedroom. >> but it the dubuous distinction that is attracting a new type of buyer. >> canadian developers that came in. >> taking advantage of a strong canadian dollar. >> investment homes are the primary focus because there is discounts and now the dollar
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is 1.03 today we have more canadians buying a second home. >> so many are flocking to the valley of the sun. marine porter launched a real estate company catering to buyers north of the border. >> more canadian license plates we see. >> in addition to getting more bang for her buck here in the states, the other plus is escaping the harsh winters. >> canadians are usually the ones in flip flops and shorts and t-shirts and the arizonians are in the furs and boots and scarves and sometimes hats and mitts. we see them walk so it is quite interesting to see. >> there are currently 100,000 canadians that call arizona home specifically to the phoenix area . another half million are part-time residents of the state. quite a big number. >> i wonder how they would do
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with the hot condition. lots of sun block sold to the canadians. >> and two skydivers crash into each other in midair and one customer found out how fast the price of gas is rising in two stops in america. >> arizona, iraqi father who killed his own daughter showing remorse in the courtroom. a judge sentencing him to 34 can half year in prison for what prosecutor call a honor killing. he ran over his daughter in 2009 because he felt she was becoming too westernized and his personalitying for hurting another one in the same incident. >> california, two men colliding in mid-air in a skydiving accident. one of them dead and the other hurt. a similar incident happened last month in the same skydiving facility.
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both jumpers died. the latest fatal collision taking place before a memorial jump honoring the victims of the previous crash. >> new jersey, a gas attendant risking his life to catch a thieve. the suspect drove off without paying. the worker dragged holding on to the car. the witnesses say the same thief hit before. >> they took two cases of water and took off. >> new york, i was stupid. this to be illegal. >> a gas station giving one man a surprise. >> robert is filling up his tank when the price jumped. >> it went to 3.91 before my eyes . so robert went to see the manager the receipt priveding the proof.
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the manager said it was a mistake and promising a free fill up and refund. >> a former baseball star charged with two serious crimes in a matter of days. we'll tell you how much trouble the former star is in. north carolina. remember all eyeos carolina because that is where the storm system is as it moves up the east coast. a car crushed by the storm and so much more damage and we'll update you on the path of the spring-storm system when we come back. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ?
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because they know the small business with the best technology rules. the morning after the big move starts with back pain... and a choice. take advilow... and maybe up to 4 in a day. or, choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. smarmove. ♪
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>> federal authorities were not bluffing when they decided to bust three largest on line pocker sites. the trio identified as poko
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stars and full tilt poke yer absolute poker. 11 people tied to the website tied to illegal bank fraud and giambi. they were racking in millions of dollars . >> another round of trouble for baseball star lenny dysktra. he was using stolen paperwork to buy a car . and four days ago he was slapped with embezzlement charges for selling truck load of furniture from a house he lost. he played center field for new york met ending his 12 year career with the philadelphia phillies. >> protest against drug violence in mexico as we go around the world in 80 seconds. >> mexico, women, dressed in traditional outfits dancing in the street and a parade of
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activist protesting the drug violence. some using religious symbolism to represent the struggle. 35,000 people have been killed in mexico since 2006 when president calderon declared war on the drug cartel. >> croatia a military leader put in prison and thousands of people demand he will be freeled. he was sentence to 25 years for war crimes. many say goto vina is a war hero for securing independence. >> finland, several french candidates stripping down to gain support for upcoming elections. they got the attention they were looking for. with a budget and support. they will take any exposure they can get. obviously. >> russia, a group of
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fishermen spotting a baby seal. rescuing the adorable little one. the concern that the cub might not survive all along. they are planing to send him to a local zoo. >> that is a wrap. and academy award winner in hot water. actor nicholas cage in new orleans. we'll have the details. i wonder if he gew they would snap that. russian president vanderbilt hutin. what is next for him? [ male announcer ] want a better way to track what you spend?
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trouble after taunting the police in new orleans. the cabdriver saw cage yelling at his wife alice and pushing her. cage looked drunk and police tried to convince him but he dared the officer to arrest him . they did. cage won the award for best actor . now charged with domestic abuse and disturbing the peace. >> vladimir putin showing off his skills lacing up the skates and hitting the ice. he joined hockey players for a training session . hard to believe he yust learned to skate. you may remember putin has done other manlyy things and driving a race car at 150 miles per hour and displaying judo move that is earned him a black belt and riding shirtless on horseback.
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>> he and the russian president medev will decide who should run for president. >> we are getting word now that out of, i want to check my blackberry out of wake county, north carolina from a public information officer, there are three fatalities to tell you about and two dozen significant injuries. these are brand new pictures coming out of that area. they are working on opening up a shelter and expecting 200 people, eight sites with significant damage and power outages and going to assess the debris and damage when they wake up tomorrow morning and they have a long night ahead of them and get back to maria for the latest. >> it is a very long night . storps are tracking east ward and we have new warnings to tell you about one for virginia beach, virginia. if you


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